Fiji Holiday August 2001



The kids looking shattered when we arrived at the hotel we stayed at in Nandi after a late flight from New Zealand.

Isabella in the Pool at the hotel in Nandi the next day.

JB enjoying the pool.

Tom on the slide.

Johnnie on the slide.

Dad catching Tom at the bottom of the slide.

Isabella and Thomas on the ferry getting ready to head over to Plantation Island.

Johnnie's ready to go too.

Isabella lounging around on the beach at Plantation Island.

Posing by a Palm tree.

JB with a Starfish.

Tom with several...

Wow!!!!!  A Coconut.

The kids and Dad outside our Bure on the island.

The kids in the pool at the resort.

Dad taking Isabella sailing.

Dad and Isabella on the Banana Boat heading out to "Sand Island"

Tom and JB as well.

Sand Island is a little sandspit exposed at low tide.  The snorkelling was pretty nice there.

Tom and JB snorkelling back at the resort.

Tom in a Kayak.
